How to setup SFTP server on Redhat Linux

Prerequisites for Setting Up an SFTP Server:

  • Linux Machine
  • User with root privileges to install required packages
  • SSH service is installed

Steps Involved:

-> Log in to the Linux machine and check the status of the SSH service.

-> Create SFTP Group and User.

-> Create a directory to store SFTP data.

-> Verify the ownership and permissions of the sftp-data directory and modify it as below.

-> Create a new directory under /sftp-data and grant necessary permissions for sftpusers to upload and download files.

-> Open the SSH configuration file and include the following lines

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

-> Additionally, uncomment the following lines in the SSH configuration file.

MaxSessions 10
MaxStartups 10:30:100

-> Restart the SSH service.

-> Connect to the sftp server using winscp and test the connection by uploading/downloading any files.

By Mahesh

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